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SHARE Lending Library - Donation Criteria

Criteria for Donating Items to the SHARE Library

1.  No encyclopedias, bibles, or dictionaries. No cassettes or VCR videos.

2. No textbook curriculum more than 10 years old. Other types of curriculum such as those used in various teaching approaches such as The Classical Approach, The Principle Approach, The Living Books and Life Experiences Approach, or the Unit Study Approach are great.

3. No Geography books before the year 2008.

4. Gently worn textbooks only please. No written-in workbooks. No heavily highlighted books.

5. Fiction is great. There is no limit on the "age" of the fiction; in fact, some of the older stories are the better ones!

6. Please do not donate back items that you have bought or received free from the SHARE Library. (We passed them on because our space is limited.)

NOTE:  If a librarian is not in the library, please place your donations in the marked bins. There are bins in both rooms.

If you are donating many books and need assistance in carrying them in, please contact Cathy Mullins first to make sure that we have strong arms to carry them up to the top floor. (Ekcjmullins@gmail.com)