Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community Redwoods Homeschool Community


What is RHC


What is Redwoods Homeschool Community?


RHC is a member based community of homeschool families. We desire to build community and enrich each family's homeschool journeys by providing opportunities for social and academic activities and programs. We are a support community that offers activities, events, and co-op programs. We are from many towns but our "central" location is Bristol, CT.

Although Redwoods Homeschool Community is a non-profit, Christian organization, all homeschooling families are welcomed. We ask that our families be respectful of this position while attending RHC activities, events, and programs, regardless of personal religious or non-religious affiliation.

Redwoods Homeschool Community is a way to connect with homeschool families and build community through social activites such as recess, First Friday Fun Days, holiday parties, and Mom's Nights. We also offer enriching and academic activities and programs such as field trips,  Tuesday Co-op Classes (cooperative), Friday GAB Club (cooperative), and Teen Council.

As a member, we ask each primary homeschooling parent to volunteer in some capacity by serving on a Team.

As a homeschooling parent you are ultimately responsible for your children's education and the offerings of RHC are intended to support and enrich the instruction that you are doing at home.



What's the meaning behind the name?


We aim for Redwoods Homeschool Community to be a strong, supportive, and thriving community of homeschool families.

"You would think that a 350-foot-tall tree would need deep roots, but that's not the case at all with the Sequoia sempervirens. Redwood tree roots are very shallow, often only five or six feet deep. But they make up for it in width, sometimes extending up to 100 feet from the trunk. They thrive in thick groves, where the roots can intertwine and even fuse together. This gives them tremendous strength against the forces of nature. This way they can withstand high winds and raging floods."

(cited from:,against%20the%20forces%20of%20nature.)


What is your Mission and Vision?


Mission: Redwoods HCC exists to reflect the love of Jesus Christ by cultivating community and equipping families, supporting and providing them with the tools they need to thrive in their home education journey. 

“Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives.…And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”              --Colossians 3:16-17 


Vision: We desire to build a community, “a second home,” in which every homeschool family can grow and thrive in their home education journey.  


Do I have to be Christian to join?


No, we welcome all homeschool families. However, as a Christian group we ask that, while attending Redwoods functions, participants be respectful of this position in behavior, speech, and dress. Participants shall follow the Code of Conduct. We do not ask for or require members to sign our statement of faith.

Only Redwoods board members are required to sign the statement of faith. Co-op teachers and participants are asked to not to teach in opposition to our statment of faith. Redwoods embraces Biblical principles and we seek to honor God in our endeavors and will look to Him to lead and guide our community. 


Do you pray at classes or events?


Yes and no.

It is not required to pray before classes during Tuesday co-op but teachers may open their class with prayer. 

We will begin GAB Club with announcements and prayer during the arrival time period.

We may begin our events and activities with prayer. 



What is your Code of Conduct?


Our Code of Conduct includes general guidelines pertaining to the participation in Redwoods, illness policy, general behavior expectations, dress code, communication information, member privacy policy, and conflict resolution policy.

You can find the Code of Conduct by clicking "guidelines" at the top of the page. Then click the underlined "code of conduct."


Does RHC provide curriculum?


No, RHC is not a school. We do not provide curriculum. RHC provides enrichment opportunities to enhance your family's home education experience. 

RHC Membership


Who can join?


1. Memberships are family memberships consisting of those living in your household for which you are a parent or legal guardian.  

2. All members must be currently home educating at least one student who is in grade K-12th in a bona fide manner according to Connecticut state law. Families with their oldest child who is 4 or younger at the start of the current school year (August 1st) may purchase a “Seedling Membership.” 

3. Parental participation and involvement is expected to ensure the community aspect of Redwoods. 

4. There is no specific faith requirement or affiliation or curriculum/ education philosophy requirement, however, families should understand that we operate on scriptural Christian principles and values and will make decisions based on our Statement of Faith. 

5. Members shall follow the Handbook for Code of Conduct. 

6. Membership expires June 30th each year and membership is approved after: attending a meet and greet or reference checks, submitting membership form, and receipt of membership fee. 


What does a RHC membership cost?


The 2023-2024 school year membership cost is $85 per family. The cost covers the use of this website (features include a forum, calendar, classifieds, class registrations and dashboard, integrated payments, and accounting), administrative and banking fees, and insurance costs.


What is your refund policy?


Please see our Money Policies under Guidelines. 


I am a member, why is there an additional fee for some events/activities?


The membership fee is intended to cover the basics (website, admin fees, insurance). The Redwoods board follows an annual budget that seeks to use membership funds and donations wisely in providing key opportunities and events for members.

While we have a few free offerings such as recess, holiday parties, teen council, etc, we also have activities and programs that are of special interest such as classes, co-op, and select fun days. Therefore, the costs incurred are determined by the programs and events in which you choose to participate. Field trip costs are determined by the venue.

Programs offered may have an additional fee and registration if: 1.) we meet in a building/venue, OR 2.) a volunteer or paid instructor leads or teaches, OR 3.) supplies are necessary for the program, or any combination of those factors. Program fees are intended to cover the expenses for the program and to facilitate the development of further programs.

Occasionally, we will plan special events for the greater homeschooling community such as our Curriculum Sale and Art Show. These types of events will offer discounts for our RHC members, while non-members will be asked to pay a higher cost. This is because members have "paid into the pot" so to speak. There are typically fees associated in planning events (venue, supplies, etc), and this allows for us to provide benefit to our members while also providing great events to the homeschool community. 


How can I join?


1. Attend a "Meet and Greet" or provide 2 homeschool references and talk with a Redwoods leader. (please sign up for a meet and greet on the calendar)

2. Complete registration and make a payment. (Click "join" at the top of the page, or on mobile click the person icon with a plus sign, to fill out the membership form, then you will be prompted to pay the membership fee.)

Complete these two steps for membership approval. You will then be able to log into our "Members Website" and have access to all that RHC has to offer.

For the security of our member families and children we will not approve membership until we have met your family. 


What if I have more questions?


You may email your questions to 

Leadership of RHC


Who are the Redwoods Homeschool Community Leaders?


Redwoods leaders are a volunteer board of homeschool moms, currently of six members for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Kim Mariani (President + Events Director), Andrea Racine (Vice President + Programs Director), Rebecca Smith (Secretary/ Membership Coordinator + Teen Council Director), Catie Ramirez (Treasurer), Jenni Long (Activities Director), and Erica Bencivenga (GAB Club Director)

Redwoods Board members have a servant’s heart and a desire to help and encourage fellow homeschool families. Board members are passionate about upholding the mission and promoting the vision.