Soli Deo Gloria

Roles and Responsibilities


We ask that parents stay flexible with us and are willing to serve in more classes should that be the only way to ensure offering specific classes for their children. While it’s our goal to place parents in their children's classes, we cannot guarantee it and sometimes need to put them wherever the greatest need is.

  1. A parent is expected to stay on campus during all of their children’s enrolled classes

  2. Expected to volunteer in committees as needed 

  3. Rotating Cleaning and Recess Duties

  4. Be a Lead Tutor in at least one class

  5. Be a Helper/Substitute in at least one class

  6. Stay on track with the Master Schedule and complete any pre-work assigned by Lead Tutor.

Classroom Helpers/Substitutes

  1. Stay in one of your child’s assigned classrooms with the intent of learning alongside students so as to best support children at home

  2. Help Lead Tutor and students during class time as needed 

  3. Substitute for Lead Tutor should there be an absence

  4. Grade student work as is applicable

Lead Tutors

  1. Teach a minimum of 1-2 classes, 

  2. Provide annual lesson schedule to Directors prior to the start of the school year (schedules can be found in most Teachers Guides for each subject)

  3. Order necessary supplies as laid out by Directors; expenses must be pre-approved by a director and reimbursement requires receipts 

  4. Stay on track with the provided schedule and communicate with parents should there be a schedule change

  5. Communicate weekly via Google Classrooms (or another method of their choosing)  to briefly update parents with what occurred in class and to share any additional homework not already on the Master Schedule

  6. Schedule a substitute (Classroom Helpers/Substitutes) and provide lesson plans as needed (absences should then be communicated to Directors)

  7. Grade student work as is applicable

  8. For parents on campus for all 4 periods, they will receive one 1 Free Period


Directors have a vast array of responsibilities including:

  1. Determining class offerings and curriculum (with parent input)

  2. Assigning Lead Tutors and all roles for each parent

  3. Membership Interviews, scheduling presentations, testing, co-op visits, registering families, determining classroom placement, conflict resolution and more

  4. Communicate with members regarding information, schedules, and documents

  5. Collect fees for building, insurance, supply, and background checks (for all adults on campus; staying or visiting).

  6. Organize training in preparation for the academic year

  7. Support Lead Tutors in educational support, the redirection of misbehavior, and assisting in conflict resolution


  1. Complete weekly assignments (homework, reading, watch videos, projects, tests and quizzes) 

  2. Come to class prepared

  3. Appropriate classroom behavior