Untitled Header Image Professional People of Faith Providing Academic Services Honor and Integrity are Pathways to Success Less Stressed Kids Can Learn Anything

Gail Powers To All Instructors

Mrs. Gail Powers holds a B.A. in Education from Capital University, Columbus, Ohio, specializing in Speech / Drama with an English minor. Mrs. Powers is an NILD Professionally Certified Educational Therapist (PCET) and a Certified FIE Standard Mediator. With over 35 years of experience teaching in Christian schools and the home school community, Gail works with the uniqueness of each child so they may realize and surpass their academic potential.

Current Classes
Educational Therapy with GP – Educational Therapist (closed)
Educational Therapy with GP – Educational Therapist (closed)
Educational Therapy with GP – Educational Therapist (closed)
Educational Therapy with GP – Educational Therapist (closed)
Educational Therapy with GP – Educational Therapist (closed)
Educational Therapy with GP (T/Th 12, W 10) – Educational Therapist (closed)
FUNdamentals of Ballet - 2024 – Instructor (open)
Think Again! (5-10th) - 2024 – Professionally Certified Educational Therapist (PCET) (open)