Untitled Header Image Professional People of Faith Providing Academic Services Honor and Integrity are Pathways to Success Less Stressed Kids Can Learn Anything

Educational Therapy

Therapeutic Services

The Science of Learning Part 2: How the Brain Learns

Students enrolled in Therapeutic Services at PATHS have unique academic needs. Individual Educational Therapy and small-group classes are designed for those who learn differently. These classes are taught by licensed Educational Therapists and degreed professionals who specialize in helping students achieve. Educational Therapists help students become more competent, confident learners using specific skills and techniques. No two students have the same complement and plan of services.

Therapeutic services include:

  • Help for the learner struggling with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, as well as attention and impulsivity issues

  • A unique program to bring Educational Therapy to homeschooled students. Educational Therapy addresses the underlying causes of learning difficulties, identifies the root problems, develops classroom confidence, and builds independent learners. Educational Therapy is one-on-one and adapts to meet students’ educational and cognitive processing needs.

  • Therapeutic Literacy and Math support classes are focused on topic areas and are smaller groups of different-aged students working at the same level. PATHS offers four levels of Literacy and Math support classes.

  • Individual and small group therapy sessions can increase attention, processing speed, memory, oral and written skills, auditory processing, and classroom readiness.

  • In-depth testing with the WISC-V and Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement identifies the student’s current functional level, while annual achievement testing measures progress

  • Critical thinking class for special attention in the areas of focus, increasing attention span, self-regulation, decision-making, and metacognition

  • Educational Therapists teach the “Essentials of History and Science” and “100 Years of American History” classes for students ready to incorporate therapy techniques in a classroom environment

For specific questions about Educational Therapy services, please contact Dr. Kristen Goldbach, Director of Therapeutic Services, at kgoldbach@pathsofhr.org

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an educational therapist?

Educational therapists are specialists with a minimum of a 4-year degree and additional training and licensing in Educational Therapy. These professionals have significant training to be able to provide Educational Therapy to students with a wide array of issues such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, visual-spatial, processing speed, short and long-term memory issues, ADD, ADHD, ASD Level 1, and other issues on an individual basis.

Educational therapists are licensed through the National Institute for Learning Development (NILD) or other licensing agencies.

What is educational therapy?

Educational Therapy is not tutoring or an academic class; it is one-on-one skills training to help your student learn how to learn. Educational Therapists use mediation to help your child make academic gains in areas related to how your child thinks, such as processing speed, comprehension, memory, directionality, visual-spatial, fluid reasoning, and executive functioning. Specific academic areas such as reading, phonics, math, and writing are targeted through techniques chosen specifically for the individual child’s strengths and weaknesses.

Educational Therapy is tailored to the specific educational needs of your child and involves a commitment of a full academic year. An Educational Therapist will work with your child twice weekly for 80 minutes each session or three times weekly for 55 minutes each session. Based on end-of-year progress assessments, Educational Therapy may be recommended for one or more years. Our Educational Therapists are experts at finding what works for your child and fine-tuning their strategies based on your child's unique needs. Every child's educational therapy program will look a little different--it's custom-built just for them!

Educational Therapy is a partnership between the Educational Therapist and the parents. Educational therapists work to develop and implement a program to help a student reach their full potential. Parents must commit to supporting those efforts by supervising short daily homework assignments.

Therapists help a student by:

  • Working with the student in academic settings on the issues keeping them from excelling

  • Engaging the student with a specific focus on and attunement to the student's academic needs

  • Working through challenging problems with unique techniques, patience, and encouragement

Parents assist their child’s journey to independent thinking and learning by:

  • Providing daily structure and accountability

  • Supervising homework

  • Maintaining regular contact with the Educational Therapist to increase understanding of the learning process and collaborate in providing an effective program for their child

Should my child enroll in individual educational therapy sessions?

We encourage anyone with concerns about their student's ability to learn and engage in the classroom to reach out to see if their child could benefit from individual Educational Therapy. A great variety of academic concerns, such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, ADD, and ASD level 1 can be addressed in individual sessions. Eligibility for individual Educational Therapy sessions is determined based on a thorough evaluation of the student's educational and academic needs.

PATHS professionals conduct initial entrance testing using the WISC-V and Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement tests to create a baseline of student achievement and highlight specific areas of need for the Educational Therapist to target. The testing costs are $275 for the WISC-V and $175 for the Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement test. Previous testing may be accepted if current (within one year for the Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement test and within three years for the WISC-V). At the end of the year, the Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement test is repeated to document progress and make recommendations for the upcoming year.

To arrange Educational Therapy entrance testing, please click here to submit a request or contact Dr. Kristen Goldbach, Director of Therapeutic Services, at kgoldbach@pathsofhr.org for more information

We have testing data already. Can you use what we have?

We would like to see any appropriate testing. We may accept Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement, WISC-V, and Kaufman tests completed recently. Testing results are used to create a program specifically tailored to your child's needs. The more current the testing, the more carefully crafted your child’s sessions will be. The goal is to meet your child's current level and help them progress to a more competent and confident learner.


What testing services do you offer?

The following tests are offered at PATHS of Hampton Roads:

  1. Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V). Age range: 6.0–16.11 years

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V), is an individually administered intelligence test. It contains multiple subtests that tap into several aspects of intelligence, such as verbal comprehension, visual-spatial, fluid reasoning, working memory, processing speed, and full-scale IQ. The test is used for children with learning disabilities through high giftedness and looks for patterns of strengths and weaknesses. Students are tested individually with the WISC-V; the cost is $275 and takes approximately 3 hours. The results are valid for three years.

  1. IV Achievement Test. Age range: 6.0-college+

The Woodcock-Johnson Achievement IV is an assessment of multiple academic skills and knowledge. It offers Percentile Ranks, Age Equivalent, and Grade Equivalent scores in the following areas: broad achievement, broad reading, basic reading skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency, reading rate, broad mathematics, math calculation skills, math problem-solving, broad written language, basic writing skills, written expression, academic skills, academic applications, academic fluency, academic knowledge (science, social studies, and humanities), phoneme-grapheme knowledge and reading vocabulary.

PATHS offers all three parallel forms of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement test. The WJ can be repeated annually and conducted yearly for educational therapy students. Students are tested individually with the Woodcock-Johnson; the cost is $175 and takes approximately 3 hours. The WJ can be used for state and local compliance for end-of-year testing.

To arrange Educational Therapy entrance testing, please click here to submit a request or contact Dr. Kristen Goldbach, Director of Therapeutic Services, at kgoldbach@pathsofhr.org for more information.

Request Entrance Testing

Manage Class Registrations


8:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Fellowship Hall.
Physical Education All Ages - 2024
1st - 12th
Room 101
1st/2nd Grade Academy - 2024
1st/2nd Grade Academy - 2024
1st/2nd Grade Academy - 2024
Elementary Spelling - 2024
1st - 4th
Room 101 - Math
1st/2nd Grade Math ONLY - 2024
Kindergarten - 1st
Room 102
3rd Grade Academy - 2024
3rd Grade Academy - 2024
3rd Grade Academy - 2024
Adventures in Literature - 2024
Kindergarten - 5th
Room 102 - Math
3rd Grade Math ONLY - 2024
2nd - 3rd
Room 104
American Literature with Composition and Grammar - 2024
9th - 10th
Geometry - 2024
7th - 12th
Geometry - 2024
7th - 12th
US History (9th-10th)- 2024
9th - 12th
World History (9th-12th) - 2024
9th - 12th
American Sign Language Foundations - 2024
7th - 12th
Room 105-A
Kindergarten Academy - 2024
Kindergarten Academy - 2024
Kindergarten Academy - 2024
Room 105-A - Math
Kindergarten Math ONLY - 2024
Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten
Room 105-C
Music & Movement - 2024
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd
Room 106
Spanish I - 2024
7th - 12th
Spanish II - 2024
8th - 12th
PreCalculus - 2024
9th - 12th
Economics - FALL 2024
11th - 12th
British Literature with Composition - 2024
10th - 12th
Algebra 2 - 2024
10th - 12th
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024 - *COPY*
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Musical Theater (5th-12th) - 2024
4th - 12th
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Room 202
8th Grade Language Arts ONLY - 2024
8th Grade Language Arts ONLY - 2024
Painting - 2024
7th - 12th
Art for Middle/High School (Session 2) - 2024
6th - 12th
Room 202 - Math
6th Grade Math ONLY (1.5hr) - 2024
5th - 6th
Room 204
4th Grade Academy - 2024
4th Grade Academy - 2024
4th Grade Academy - 2024
Exploring Creation through Astronomy - 2024
3rd - 6th
Room 204 - Math
4th Grade Math ONLY (1.5hr) - 2024
3rd - 4th
Room 206
5th Grade Academy - 2024
5th Grade Math ONLY (1.5hr) - 2024
4th - 5th
5th Grade Academy - 2024
100 Years of American History (1875-1975) - 2024
5th - 8th
Activity Hall - 2PM Tuesday - 2024
Room 208
Therapeutic Math D: 6th-8th - 2024
7th - 10th
Semi-Private Math Group, T 10:00, W 9:00
8th - 11th
Room 209
Therapeutic Math B: 1st-3rd - 2024
2nd - 5th
Therapeutic Math C: 3rd-5th - 2024
4th - 8th
Therapeutic Math A: Foundations K-5th - 2024
1st - 5th
Art History - FALL 2024
9th - 12th
Chemistry - 2024
10th - 12th
Biology (9th-10th) - 2024
9th - 12th
Room 210
Algebra 2 - 2024
10th - 12th
Algebra 1 (1.5hr) - 2024
8th - 12th
Social Skills Plus!
5th - 8th
Room 211
Literacy III - 2024
5th - 10th
Literacy II 2024
3rd - 6th
Literacy HS Reading- 2024
8th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Literacy HS Writing - 2024
8th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Room 211-B
Literacy I - 2024
Kindergarten - 2nd
Room 212
6th/7th Grade Academy - 2024
6th - 7th
6th/7th Grade Academy - 2024
6th - 7th
6th/7th Grade Academy - 2024
6th - 7th
Study Hall - 1p Tue
6th - 8th
Study Hall - 2p Tue
6th - 8th
Room 212 - Math
7th Grade PreAlgebra ONLY (1.5 hr) - 2024
6th - 7th
Fellowship Hall
Activity Hall - 9AM Tuesday - 2024
Activity Hall - 10AM Tuesday - 2024
Activity Hall - 12PM Tuesday - 2024
Activity Hall - 1PM Tuesday - 2024

Manage Class Registrations


8:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM
Fellowship Hall.
Activity Hall - 12PM Wednesday - 2024
Vocational Skills Workshop - 2024
9th - 12th
Vocational Skills Workshop - 2024
9th - 12th
Vocational Skills Workshop - 2024
9th - 12th
Room 101
Intro to Spanish I - 2024
Kindergarten - 4th
Intro to Spanish II - 2024
5th - 8th
Room 102
Movies as Literature - 2024
6th - 12th
Project-Based Learning Adventures - 2024
2nd - 5th ; 8 y/o - 11 y/o
Creative Writing - 2024
9th - 12th
Activity Hall - 1PM Wednesday - 2024
Activity Hall - 2PM Wednesday - 2024
Room 104
Introduction to Songwriting and Music Publishing - 2024
8th - 12th
Foundations of Photography - 2024
7th - 12th
Beginner Sewing - 2024
3rd - 8th
Sewing Lab - 2024
Applied Sewing and Design - 2024
6th - 12th
Room 105-A
Praise Group Guitar - 2024
6th - 12th
Acoustic Guitar - Private Lesson 10:30AM - 2024
Acoustic Guitar - Private Lesson 11:00AM - 2024
Acoustic Guitar - Private Lesson 11:30AM - 2024
Room 105-B
Acoustic Guitar - Private Lesson 10AM - 2024
Room 105-C
Lego Creative Building (4th-6th) - 2024
4th - 6th
Lego Creative Building (K-3rd) - 2024
Kindergarten - 3rd
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Audio Broadcast - 2024
9th - 12th
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Individual Piano or Voice Lessons - 2024
Room 202
Life Science (5th - 8th)
5th - 7th ; 11 y/o - 14 y/o
Nature Science - 2024
Kindergarten - 2nd ; 5 y/o - 7 y/o
Art for Middle/High School (Session 1) - 2024
6th - 12th
Book Art - 2024
7th - 12th
Room 204
FUNdamentals of Ballet - 2024
3rd - 8th
Room 206
Health & Wellness - FALL 2024
9th - 12th
Room 208
Therapeutic Math D: 6th-8th - 2024
7th - 10th
Semi-Private Math Group, T 10:00, W 9:00
8th - 11th
Math Help Study Hall (7th-12th) - 2024
7th - 12th
Room 209
Therapeutic Math B: 1st-3rd - 2024
2nd - 5th
Therapeutic Math C: 3rd-5th - 2024
4th - 8th
Therapeutic Math A: Foundations K-5th - 2024
1st - 5th
Creation Station - 2024
1st - 5th
Intro to Psychology - 2024
9th - 12th
Room 210
Think Again! (5-10th) - 2024
5th - 10th
Marine Biology - 2024
5th - 9th
Environmental Science with Lab - 2024
8th - 12th
Room 211
Literacy III - 2024
5th - 10th
Literacy II 2024
3rd - 6th
Literacy HS Reading- 2024
8th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Literacy HS Writing - 2024
8th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Room 211-B
Literacy I - 2024
Kindergarten - 2nd
Room 211-C
Educational Tutoring, 1 hour, one-on-one
1st - 9th
Room 212
Game Development - 2024
2nd - 12th
Intro to Web Development, Audio, Visual, and Video Technology - 2024
5th - 12th
Fellowship Hall
Activity Hall - 9AM Wednesday - 2024
Activity Hall - 10AM Wednesday - 2024
Running & Weights - 2024
9th - 12th
Physical Education (8th-12th) - 2024
8th - 12th
Physical Education (K-3rd) - 2024
Kindergarten - 3rd