How to Register with PATHS
Before You Join: Check us out! Below are a few links with more information so you can get to know how our program can serve your family.
How to Apply: Decided that PATHS is the place for you? Wonderful! Registration to PATHS requires an approved membership. You may begin the application by clicking here. Please fill out the information in full. It may take up to 3-5 business days to receive an approval of your application.
Next Steps: After you are approved to PATHS, you must pay your PATHS membership fee. You can see this fee and pay online by logging in and clicking on your balance that appears in the upper right-hand corner of the page. After payment, it takes about 1-2 business days for your account to unlock and class registration to become available.
Register for Classes: Once your account unlocks, you will be able to register for classes. Use the class matrix to view classes. The class matrix is organized by day and time for ease of building your schedule. Click on a class to see information and register your child for that class. If you are looking for specific subjects, you can also use the class catalog, which is sorted by subject.
It is important to note that once you are registered for a class, you cannot unregister yourself and must use the course withdrawal form to submit a request for removal of the course. We recommend building your schedule on paper first before registering for potential classes.
Please note that while the class catalog is separated by subject, the first subject is automatically opened and you may need to scroll down to see other subjects.