February Parent Gathering - Dual Enrollment Panel
Date – Time
February 20, 2025
– 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
River Oaks Church
385 Washington Ave
Lake Mary, FL 32746 US
Additional Information
NearHim Home Educators February Parent Gathering:
Dual Enrollment Panel
Many homeschooling families take advantage of dual enrollment, taking college classes that count for both high school and college credit. Parents have many questions, ranging from the benefits and cons to the practicalities and requirements. Join us in welcoming our panel of speakers, Renee Hays, Jill Johnson, and Heather Mullins. They will present valuable information and can offer a parent/student perspective. Renee and Jill have experience with Seminole State College and Heather has experience with Valencia College. Come ready to ask questions and learn more about this great learning option for our students.
This gathering is open to the public. Invite your friends! We'd love to meet you and visit with you. It's always a good idea to know what's available to homeschoolers in our community.
If you are new to homeschooling or interested in finding out more, we'd love to connect with you and answer any questions.
We have time set aside for a Homeschooling Q&A at 6:30 pm.
6:30 pm - Fellowship/Homeschooling Q&A
7 pm - Meeting Begins
Find us in the Spurgeon Room
Meetings are for adults unless otherwise indicated in the meeting description; nursing babies are always welcome!