Tri-County Christian Home Educators Tri-County Christian Home Educators Tri-County Christian Home Educators Tri-County Christian Home Educators Tri-County Christian Home Educators Tri-County Christian Home Educators

PayPal to TCCHE for Membership or Events



If you want to send funds to TCCHE via paypal, it is easy to do. 

First , go to .  Membership is FREE. TCCHE can accept payment from a checking account and no fees will be added to the transaction.  Please select the PERSONAL TAB.

Please note:   You do have the choice of paying by Debit/Credit card BUT do this knowing that the fee incurred will be yours.  If you select the fee to be paid by TCCHE, your payment will be refunded. If you choose to use a Debit/Credit card, please add 3% to the total to cover PayPal fees.    Please select the PERSONAL TAB;and select MONEY OWED.

You may use the following e-mail address:

After logging into PayPal and selecting Send Money, please select the PERSONAL tab and then Money Owed. Then enter the amount you wish to send.


When making payments to TCCHE, PayPal will first need an e-mail address or phone number.   Make sure that you note what you are paying for in the subject line.  Once you send payment, you will receive an e-mail from PayPal as your receipt.

If you aren't already a member, you will need to sign up by clicking on the Sign Up link at the top of the PayPal home page. 

Select the Personal Account then click the Continue button at the bottom of that page.

Fill out the information as required.  They will make 2 small deposits in the account you give them.  (Something like .11 & .39.)  You will need to watch your bank account and then confirm your account with PayPal by entering those 2 deposits in the corresponding boxes and you're ready to transfer money to anyone who accepts PayPal!

If you have questions, e-mail us at
Note from Treasurer:

If you are paying for a field trip, TCCHE planned event, or a yearbook, forward your receipt to the treasurer so that we have record of payment.  This will help everyone involved and make their jobs far easier! 

Please note that E-checks get held up by paypal for three to four days. If you are paying by an e-check, please make sure you are at least five days out from the field trip date.