Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization

Enrichment Class Guidelines


Enrichment Classes consist of bi-weekly classes for Pre-K - 12th-grade students taught by ECCHO moms and dads and occasionally others brought in for specific classes. The semester is 7 classes long and each class day consists of three – 55-minute classes. Classes are held at Longbranch Community Baptist Church in Midlothian, TX. The Enrichment Class participation fee is $20 per family, per semester. Enrichment Classes also require additional supply fees based on the classes offered.

Enrichment Classes are a place that parents gather together for their children, to evaluate and share their special skills and their children. Each of these skills makes a curriculum to benefit the academic and artistic life skills program for the students. As the parents work together combining effort and personal skills, the end project is always focused upon success as a whole unit.

Our ECCHO Enrichment Classes are a combined effort of ALL the parents being involved. Parents remain on-site and take turns giving lessons to a group of students, or if not teaching, being part of the organization in cleaning, preparing, organizing and everything else involved to make our class days successful.

  1. Participation Requirements

A. The family must be members in good standing with the ECCHO group.

B. The family must have a current background check on file with ECCHO.

C. The family must have at least one student actively homeschooling.

D. Parents must remain on the church campus while their children are participating in Enrichment Classes.

E. All parents are required to participate in the Enrichment Classes.

1. Parents may teach more than one class if they desire and the room is available.

2. Several positions are necessary for the smooth function of the Enrichment Classes. These include set-up, clean-up, hall monitor, committee leaders, teacher assistants, bell ringers, etc.

3. Parents of infants and preschoolers, please see the preschool guidelines section.

4. Exceptions to the policies will be made on a case-by-case consideration by the ECCHO Enrichment Classes Co-Directors &/or the ECCHO Board of Directors.

  1. Enrichment Classes Preparation Process

A. Parents show their willingness to teach classes by contacting the Enrichment Class Directors.

B. Teacher sign-ups for Enrichment Classes will take place before regular Enrichment Classes sign-ups. Details of how teacher sign-ups and class sign-ups will occur will be sent out via email and posted on the ECCHO website and Facebook page.

C. Students can choose one class to take per hour for the semester.

D. Families will be chosen for group A or group B by a lottery draw. The lottery will be done by at least two people and decisions will be final.

E. Teachers may put in a request for Group A or Group B – it is not a guarantee that the request will be granted.

F. Requests to change groups will be considered. All requests will be reviewed by directors.

G. Families that are granted a group change will be at the end of the signup list.

H. Teachers will not be allowed to change groups AFTER the class schedule has been completed.

  1. Enrichment Classes Policies and Procedures

A. General Info

1. The hours of Enrichment Classes are 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Set up starts at 8:30 am and clean-up usually goes until 12:30 pm.

2. Enrichment Classes are 55 minutes long with a five-minute transfer time between each class.

B. Enrichment Classes Attendance

1. If a parent is unable to attend Enrichment Classes with their students due to an emergency or illness, the entire family will miss the day.

2. Families may NOT miss more than 2 class days in a semester. You must sign in upon arriving at EC – not only does the insurance require documentation of the number of children attending, but it also helps me to know how often families are absent

a. Special hardships that will require more than 2 absences should be submitted in writing to the EC Directors before committing to attend classes. The EC Directors will then take it to the ECCHO board of directors for review before the EC registration.

b. In the event of an emergency or if a family is unavoidably going to be late, you are required to call the EC co-directors. DO NOT POST ON FACEBOOK. CALL OR TEXT DIRECTORS.

c. Class attendance will be reviewed at the end of each semester, families that miss more than the allowed number of days will be under review before being eligible to sign up for classes the next semester.

C. Discipline Policy

1. Students must obey all teachers during Enrichment Class activities and abide by the ECCHO code of conduct.

2. Ongoing discipline problems may result in loss of Enrichment Class privileges.

3. A three-step discipline policy will be followed at Enrichment Classes for most discipline problems.

a. A first offense will warrant a verbal warning from the teacher or adult in charge.

b. A second offense will mean separation from the ongoing activity.

c. A third offense in one day will mean that the Enrichment Class Directors will be notified and will escort the child to their parent where they will remain until the end of the Enrichment Class day.

d. All offenses need to be documented by the teacher/adult in charge on the ECCHO incident form. The form must be turned in to the Enrichment Class Directors at the end of the day on which the offense occurred.

e. Incidents occurring repeatedly on different Enrichment Class days may result in a more detailed review of the situation and/or loss of Enrichment Class privileges.

D. Respect of the Facility

1. Please respect the church/facility we are using for Enrichment Class classes.

2. Only building areas designated for ECCHO use are available for Enrichment Classes.

3. No running is allowed in the halls or classrooms.

4. Remember it is a privilege for ECCHO to use the church facilities, so treat them accordingly.

5. Everyone must be willing to clean up the church areas we use after Enrichment Class each week.

E. Refund Policy

1. Enrichment Class registration fees will be refunded to the participant when the Enrichment Class Directors are contacted before the first day of class.

2. Individual Class fees will also be refunded unless the teacher has already purchased the supplies needed for the class. Supplies like folders, printed material, books, and craft items, will be given to the participant requesting the refund. The respective class will keep bulk items, such as paint, glue, etc.

3. Membership fees will not be refunded, except on a per case basis, and then only at the discretion of the ECCHO Board of Directors. Even if people withdraw from the Enrichment Classes, there are other ECCHO activities in which they may participate.

IV. Nursery/Preschool Guidelines

A. ECCHO Enrichment Classes offer preschool classes for children ages 3-4 years old. The classes are taught by preschool and non-preschool parents.

B. Preschool children need a lower child to adult ratio. In most cases, a preschool parent will be required to assist/teach at least one class period in the preschool classroom.

C. ECCHO Enrichment Classes offer a nursery area for infant and toddler care (those 0-2 years) on a limited basis (as the room is available).

1. Parents with children in the nursery are expected to volunteer in the nursery.

2. Nursery volunteers will not dispense medication of any kind.

3. Drinks and snacks are provided or served by the nursery volunteers. Nursing mothers are welcome to come to the nursery at any time. Parents are always welcome to come and give their children snacks and drinks.

4. In the event there are not enough volunteers, the nursery will be closed for that period and the children will stay with their parents.

  1. Non-Parent Teacher Guidelines There are instances where a non-parent teacher will be allowed to assist or teach at the ECCHO Enrichment Class.

A. Non-parent teachers would include high school seniors, alumni adults, and other adults that are not parents of the children participating.

B. Non-parent assistants and teachers will be expected to understand and follow all the ECCHO Enrichment Class guidelines.

C. High school seniors may take on the responsibility of teaching and assist in a class.

1. Classes will be monitored periodically by the Enrichment Class Directors and/or ECCHO Board of Directors to ensure co-op guidelines are being met.

D. Other non-parent adults may teach a class. This can include adults from outside the group members wanting to offer a specific class as well as young adults who have graduated from high school and are former members of ECCHO.

1. Classes will be monitored periodically by the Enrichment Class Directors and/or ECCHO Board of Directors to ensure co-op guidelines are being met.

2. They will be required to be in a class at all times either assisting or teaching.

3. When a non-group member is teaching a specific class, they will only need to be on campus for the specified class, for the peace of mind of the ECCHO parents, the teacher will need to arrive just before their class and leave afterward.

E. All non-parent assistants or teachers must take their responsibility at the ECCHO Enrichment Class seriously and display the level of leadership that is necessary for assisting or leading a class.

    1. Teacher/Co-Teacher Expectations & Points of Interest

A. Be familiar with the ECCHO policies and guidelines and the Enrichment Class Guidelines.

B. Plan, prepare, purchase supplies, etc. for the class you are teaching.

1. If you are co-teaching, you will divide the duties between you both.

C. Ensure your room is clean before leaving your classroom.

D. If you teach 1st hour, you or a helper must bring your class from the assembly to the classroom each day.

E. Communicate with any helpers in the room how to best help you in working with the children.

F. Communicate needs or problems, questions or concerns to the Enrichment Class Directors.

VII. Assistant/Helper Expectations & Points of Interest

A. Be familiar with the ECCHO policies and guidelines and the Enrichment Class Guidelines.

B. Be willing to assist the teachers in whatever activities they are doing on a given day.

C. Plan to help with the children as the teacher is teaching – help direct children's attention, explain things and help with projects, etc.

D. Expect to be asked to substitute teach in the event of the class teacher's absence.

VIII. Wellness/Illness Policies

A. This policy applies to adults and children who attend any ECCHO events.

B. Upon the recommendation of the Center for Disease Control, a child/adult must be free of all symptoms listed below for at least 24 hours before they can be admitted to class.

1. Any illness that renders your child unable to participate comfortably in daily activities.

2. Fever – AND sore throat, rash, diarrhea, earache, irritability, or confusion. Fever is defined as having a temperature over 100 degrees F or higher taken under the arm, 101 degrees F orally, or 102 degrees F taken rectally. For children 4 months or younger, the lower rectal temperature of 101 degrees F is considered a fever threshold.

3. Diarrhea – loose watery stools that require frequent change of diapers, or that a child not in diapers cannot control and necessitates increased care and/or change of clothes.

4. Vomiting – 2 or more times in the past 24 hours unless it is determined to be due to a non-communicable condition and there is no danger of dehydration.

5. Body rash with fever – unless it has been determined noncommunicable.

6. Sore throat with fever and swollen glands.

7. Severe coughing – the child gets red or blue in the face or makes a high-pitched whooping sound after coughing.

8. Eye discharge – thick mucus or pus draining from the eye, or pink eye with eyelid redness, pain, and/or fever.

9. Yellowish skin or eyes.

10. Any other communicable illnesses (skin infections, childhood diseases – chickenpox, measles, etc.) Child or adult must be on antibiotics for at least 48 hours and/or started or completed treatment per doctor's orders.

11. The child is irritable, continuously crying, or requires more attention than staff can provide without interfering with the health and safety of other children in our care.

C. When in doubt, please apply The Golden Rule, remember that what was brought in last week will return four-fold next week.

D. If you or your children arrive with any of these symptoms, we will ask you to go home. If your child develops any of these symptoms while in class, the child will be isolated and the parent notified immediately.

E. The policy is for the protection and comfort of you, your child, and the other members of the group.

Thank you for the cooperation