First Class Kitsap County Homeschool Co-op

What is a Co-op?

First Class Kitsap Homeschool Co-op Is:

A homeschool cooperative where everyone has the opportunity to help out.  One parent or guardian from each family is required to stay on campus and help in some capacity; set up, cleaning, teaching, assisting in a class, or coordinating.  There are many jobs to be done on Thursdays, and many hands make light work. 

We offer:

  • Kindergarten-High School Classes offered one day a week, Thursdays
  • Nursery and Early Childhood Education Program
  • Encouragement for parents, help for new homeschooling moms
  • New friendships and opportunities for students
  • Affordable co-op classes which are taught primarily by First Class parents
  • Christ-centered community outreach to homeschooling families