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Teaching with Biltmore Homeschool Ministry 

Job Description:

Teachers are hired for all PreK – 12th grade classes. Teachers are required to choose subjects/class ideas and submit to the homeschool ministry team for approval, create all lesson plans, arrive ahead of time on a weekly basis, provide a Christ-like setting in the classroom, and also provide structured class management so to ensure that good, fun and safe education is taking place for all students.

We are blessed to be able to provide support to you as teachers in our elementary classrooms in the form of a classroom assistant. Part of their job is to ensure that as a teacher you are never in the classroom alone with your students. Per Biltmore Church policy there must be TWO ADULTS with students AT ALL TIMES. Communication with each other, hall volunteers, and our team is crucial to make this happen. If either of you needs to step out at any time, please use those volunteers to make sure this requirement is met.



Teachers are hired by Biltmore Church and paid through them as well. The pay is $37 per hour for all PreK – 5th grade classes and $42 per hour for grades 6th – 12th. Employees get paid automatically, every two weeks when church submits payroll.



Elementary teachers (PreK – 5th) are contracted for 24 weeks, while Middle and High School teachers (6th – 12th) are contracted for 32 weeks.

In the event of a school closure, we will only make up 2 additional weeks. Teachers are required to remain available for 2 additional weeks than what is listed on the calendar in case of a school closure. After 2 weeks have been missed, we simply forfeit the remaining classes.


Inclement weather:

If Buncombe County school system closes due to snow, ice or bad road conditions, Biltmore Homeschool Ministry will also be closed. If they run on a 2-hour delay, we will also do the same. Please visit our website at https://www.homeschool- life.com/1894/index_public?Logout=1 and view the Inclement Weather Policy under the Enrichment Class tab for more details.



If at teacher cannot serve due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, they are asked to contact the team as soon as possible and a substitute teacher will be provided. Sub plans MUST be kept on file with the ministry so that the team is not trying to provide lessons for the teacher. When the sub plans have been used, another set of plans must be turned in to the team.

Teachers will not receive pay for the weeks that they are out, but instead that full payment will be used to pay the substitute, who is stepping into a teacher’s role, often last minute, with a lot of unknowns.


Additional Benefits aside from Payment:

1. You receive early class enrollment for your children, immediately following the team.

2. You pay no fee for a child who is enrolled in your class.

3. 25% discount on all classes when you teach 2 or more classes.

4. No additional service requirements are needed.


Steps Needed:

1. Completion of an application, which includes 3 references. You can complete the application and drop it back by the church at your convenience or you can scan and email it directly to us at homeschool@biltmorechurch.com

2. After references are called by the ministry team, the application is submitted to the church, and they will contact you regarding obtaining the information needed to run a background check.

3. Once the background check clears, the church will contact you again, but this time regarding the tax documents so they can enroll you in the ADP payment system.

We understand that teaching is a big commitment. We ask that you truly think about your lifestyle, flexibility, and availability before committing to teach. The classes we provide are taken very seriously by our families and once registration and enrollment takes place, it is extremely difficult to fill the teachers full time role if someone changes their mind about teaching.

Please also be sure that your schedule allows you to be here, of course, aside from sickness or unseen events, as it is extremely difficult at times to provide substitutes for all needs. If you foresee too many things that may stop you from serving on a weekly basis, we ask that you offer to serve in one of our many volunteer positions instead!

We absolutely love our teachers and are only successful with them, so thank you so much for your interest in serving in our ministry!