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Graduation 2025

indicates a required answer


Thank you for your interest in our graduation ceremony for 2025

This is always such a wonderful event and I look forward to getting things underway soon!

The ministry has previously submitted dates for church approval and we are waiting to hear back on that.  At this point, we want to be able to stay in touch with everyone who is, or may be interested in being a part of our ceremony.  

Once we have a secured date, we will hold our first Interest meeting where we will go over all of the ceremony's details and what is required by each family.  Regardless of whether you are certain about participating, please complete the information below so that you will not miss out on any correspondence regarding graduation. 



1. *

Graduate's First Name:

2. *

Graduate's Last Name:

3. *

Parent's First Name(s):

4. *

Parent's Last Name:

5. *

Email Address to receive graduation updates:


Any additional emails addresses you wish to add:


Please note that you may get an error message when you submit your form, however, I have verified numerous times and each submission IS being logged on the admin side so there is no need to re-submit.  Please feel free to send me a personal message at 6mathieus@gmail.com if you get this error and I will ensure that I have your contact information as well!

Kim Mathieu