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indicates a required answer
Thank you for your interest for your teen(s) to join our club! My daughter, Fera, and I wanted to gather other Conservative Christian Teens to have some fun with and experience the many events and activities that highschoolers typically enjoy. This is the first step in seeking membership to the club. Before sending in this form please read our Statement of Faith and Member Guidlines, which you can find below in this form. Once you have taken time to consider these things and agree with them send in the form. Someone will be in touch! Thank you.
Parent Names
Phone Number
Children (siblings inlcuded) First Name and ages/grades
Do you agree with our Statement of Faith and Guidelines below:
We are a Conservative Christian Teen social club. We align with Biblical, Protestant, Born Again Christian Values. This group was created to encourage Godly friendships and foster growth within a community of Christ loving families.
These Guiding Principles listed below do not in any way suggest that individually or collectively we are perfect or that we don't all have differences. However, we do believe that to insure harmony within the group that we need to have some basic common values. Our hope is that within the teen club environment; relationships will be formed, discussions will be had and lasting friendships will be made.
We Believe
Student Expectations
Parent Expectations:
Be willing to or help your student host or plan a meetup as needed
Participate in Fundraising and covering costs for your student's paricipation in meetups or events
Understand this a teen group for teen members and teen guests. We ask that families with younger siblings consider this when
we have meetups and scheduled events. As long as we have 1 or 2 adult volunteers teens can participate without every parents
being present. But parents can be involved as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. Alot of the older teens may be driving
themselves to meetups as well.
However, we do hope this group fosters friendships between all family members and weencourage parents to gather together in nearby
or offsite for fellowship between parents and/younger children.
Most Recent or Present church affiliation
What are some curriculum you use or have used
Do you personally know a current member? If so whom?
What interests you and your teen about joining this club? What do you hope to gain from it?
Have you been part of a local co op? If so which ones?
What is your Facebook account name shown as?