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Scholarship Request

indicates a required answer

PACHEK Scholarship Fund

If your family is experiencing financial hardship or you know of another family within PACHEK that is, we offer a limited number of scholarships per year.  These scholarships are given on a first come, first served basis as long as there is money in our scholarship account.  

Please complete this form, whether for yourself or another family, and submit it.  We cannot guarantee the request will be able to be granted, but it is our desire as a group to see all of our families participate in as many of our activities as possible and we do our best to make that happen.  

We ask that families only submit a scholarship request once a year.  Requests should not be made for both membership dues and co-op fees, but one or the other.  

PACHEK families are always welcome to donate to the scholarship fund or provide scholarship money for a specific family as well.  Please see a Steering Committee member if this is your desire.  

Thank you.

1. *

Name of PACHEK family requesting scholarship (if the family is one other than your own please give your name as well): 

2. *

Are you requesting scholarship money for annual membership dues, co-op fees, or something else (please specify)? 

3. *

How much is the amount due?

4. *

How much can you pay, if any, toward this fee?  Any payment is helpful as it enables our scholarship money to help as many families as possible.

5. *

Please share reason for needing scholarship money: 

6. *

Please provide the best email address to contact you regarding the scholarship request.