Boerne Area Christian Homeschoolers Boerne Area Christian Homeschoolers

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Who We Are

BACH is a Christ centered homeschool co-op that seeks to offer support to homeschooling families by providing opportunities for them to connect and encourage one another by way of weekly classes, field trips, family events, and support meetings.

Common Questions

Click the image to open answers to frequent questions we receive at BACH. If you have further questions after reading above feel free to contact us.

2024-25 Class Offerings

We offer classes for all grades. Some classes are true co-op style (parents rotate teaching), while others have paid teachers. Registration for 2024-25 school year will open in June. New membership does not reopen until June 15th. Note: Registering for any classes at BACH requires some parent volunteer time during the school year. Click image for more information.

Homeschooling Resources

Find links for facts about homeschooling, graduation requirements, legal advice, and other local co-ops.

Request Membership

Click the join us button to fill out application for membership. A $50 membership fee is due at time of application via Paypal. If you are not ready to pay the fee please wait to apply as your application will automatically delete and you will need to start over.