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PSEO 2024-2025 Courses Offered

Crown College / Bethel University

Crown and Bethel PSEO Courses are Hybrid
- Meet Once a Week in Person Unless Noted -

Schedule SUBJECT TO CHANGE Updated 09.01.2024


For complete COURSE DESCRIPTIONS, click on Fall/Spring title below or go to Registration >> Class Registration
For complete INSTRUCTOR BIOS, click on Instructor's name below


FALL 2024

FALL SEMESTER Mondays @ WEST Building - Church of the Open Door

   9:30-11:00  HIS 1510 P2  World Civilizations  Crown  3 cr  G. Schmalz
   9:30-11:00  MAT 101M  Math for the 21st Century  Bethel  4 cr  Dutcher
  11:00-12:30  BUS 101  Intro to Business  Bethel  4 cr  Dutcher
  11:00-12:30  SCI 1531 P2  Foundations of Biology w/lab   Crown  4 cr  Higgins
 12:30- 2:00  SOC 230 P2  Sociology  Crown  3 cr  Hopf


FALL SEMESTER Tuesdays @ WEST Building - Church of the Open Door

   9:00-10:30  ENG 1510 P2  College Writing & Research         Crown  3 cr  C. Schmalz
 10:30-12:00  ENG 2510 P2   American Literature  Crown  3 cr  Carlson
 12:30- 2:00  LAN 255 P2  Spanish 1  Crown  4 cr  Ortega



SPRING SEMESTER Mondays @ WEST Building - Church of the Open Door

    9:30-11:00  HIS 2520 P2  Topics in US History  Crown  3 cr  G. Schmalz
    9:30-11:00  CHE 101/101D  Chemistry w/Lab  Bethel  3 cr/1 cr   Dutcher
 11:00-12:30  LEA 101  Leadership 101
 Bethel  4 cr  Dutcher
 12:30- 2:00  PSY 130 P2  General Psychology  Crown  3 cr  Hopf


SPRING SEMESTER Tuesdays @ WEST Building - Church of the Open Door

  9:00-10:30  COM 1515 P2  Public Communication  Crown  3 cr  C. Schmalz
 10:30-12:00  ENG 1512 P2  Introduction to Literary Analysis   Crown  3 cr  Carlson
 12:30- 2:00  PED 1515 P2  Health & Wellness for Life  Crown  3 cr  Stewart
 12:30- 2:00  LAN 256 P2  Spanish 2  Crown   4 cr  Ortega
   2:00- 3:30  FAR 1560 P2  Art Appreciation  Crown  3 cr  Foster


Click Here to Navigate to the Class Schedules Page for a Downloadable Copy of the PSEO Schedule