Christian Family Schools of Poway Christian Family Schools of Poway Christian Family Schools of Poway Christian Family Schools of Poway Christian Family Schools of Poway Christian Family Schools of Poway


So, you’re a homeschooler. Those words might be a title you’ve had for years. They might be a new title that gives you anxiety and makes you feel lost. Whomever you are, we welcome you!

We are CFS Poway, translation, Christian Family Schools of Poway. Who are we? We’re a support group that has existed since 1989 to help families navigate the journey of homeschooling. Whether brand new or veteran, everyone needs encouragement and help. This journey is much more enjoyable when we walk together. We offer field trips, family events, mom events, a class day with classes on site, virtual classes, and many, many resources.

We are not a school. We do not give grades, create transcripts, or keep records. We are here to support YOU! In California, when you file a Private School Affidavit, YOU are the private school. We come alongside you to answer questions, calm your fears, talk through decisions, and navigate the myriad options available for curriculum, classes, and enrichment. If you are with a charter or public school and schooling at home, we are here to support you as well! Homeschooling is a wonderful opportunity to invest time in your children, to be their best advocate, and to enrich their lives with more than just academics. It’s time to work on character, on life skills, to develop their faith, and to walk alongside your child as they grow into the young adult God is calling them to be.

Sound like a lot? God is so gracious, and he will lead you through each day as you lean on him and ask him to direct your path. Christian Family Schools is a group of families who put Christ first, Family next, and Schooling third. Why this order? Because Christ is the head of the home, the family that functions well together is a rich place to learn, and schooling is important to develop skills and talents which your child will use to serve Christ.

We welcome you. Reach out, contact us at ; we’re here to give you a call, to answer an email, to welcome you to our events, and to pray with you as you embark on this year with your children.

Thanks for stopping by. We can’t wait to meet you. Let’s walk together!

For where two or more gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20

Many Blessings,
Melissa Morris
President CFS Poway, and the CFS Poway Board