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Registration, Enrollment, Tuition, Withdrawal Policies


  1. Request membership on homepage of WEST website. 
  2. Complete the online membership form with online payment or check.
  3. Upon completion of the form, login to the WEST website.
  4. Pay using PayPal or send a check.
  5. Membership will be authorized after payment is received.
  6. Login and register for classes.  


Copy of your check or Paypal receipt is your personal record of payment. WEST DOES NOT provide receipts.
Wings Homeschool Group (not WEST) will show on your statement as payment for your membership/class registration.

  • Grades 5-12 Registration: First Wednesday in June - July 31
  • PSEO Registration Dates: Refer to PSEO Dates & Deadlines
  • Class Tuition Increase Begins: August 1
  • Spring Semester Classes Only Tuition Increase Begins: December 1

OPTION 1:  Full Year Courses (Payable with check or PayPal)

  • Fall Semester Deposit
    • First Payment - 25% per class due upon registration or pay in full


  • Registration is complete after payment is made
  • Registration is released after 72 hours, if payment not submitted
  • Remaining payments for a Full Year Course are divided into 3 equal payments due:
    • Second Payment - August 20
    • Third Payment  - October 20
    • Fourth Payment - November 20

OPTION 2:  Half Year Courses (Fall OR Spring Semester)

Fall Semester ONLY courses (registration opens First Wednesday in June)

  • Fall Semester Deposit
    • First Payment - 50% per class due upon registration or pay in full


  • Registration is complete after payment is made
  • Registration is released after 72 hours, if payment not submitted
  • Remaining payment is due on August 20

Spring Semester ONLY courses (registration opens First Wednesday in June and remains open until class is full)

  • Spring Semester Deposit
    • First Payment - 50% per class due upon registration or pay in full 


  • Registration is complete after payment is made
  • Registration is released after 72 hours, if payment not submitted
  • Remaining payment is due on August 20


All late payments will incur a $25 late fee
Students will NOT be able to attend ANY WEST CLASS if payment schedule listed below is not followed (unless approval from WEST Team)

Due Dates:  MARK YOUR CALENDARS - If any date is missed, a late fee is applied, unless prior arrangements have been made

  1. August 20
  2. October 20
  3. November 20

NOTE: Payment plans available 


  • Write one check out to WEST with student/s name/s and class/es in memo line (or attached note).
  • Check must be received within 72 hours of class registration or student/s will be deleted from class/es registered for.
  • Checks written to WEST for registration and/or tuition payments can be deposited at any time. 
    • If you need to make different arrangements, please contact registrar.west@gmail.com or billing.west@gmail.com 
  • Cash payments for registration and/or tuition will require coordination with the WEST Accounting Admin at billing.west@gmail.com. 
  • Cash payments must be made in person by an adult (not a student) to the WEST Accounting Admin. A signature is needed by the paying adult on the WEST Cash Payment Form for record keeping purposes.
  • NOTE: Payment plans available at any point in school year
  • Mail checks to:  WEST  |  12271 73rd Street Northeast  |  Otsego,  MN 55330


  • Full payment expected upon registration for all PSEO courses.
  • $25 non-refundable administrative fee paid to WEST per semester per student
  •  $5 processing fee per credit per semester paid to WEST 
    • For example:  A 1 credit course would cost $5, a 2 credit course would cost $10, a 3 credit course would cost $15 plus the $25 adminstrative fee
    • This $5/credit fee is non-refundable. Should WEST cancel a class, the $5/credit will be refunded.

Students will NOT be able to attend ANY WEST CLASS if payment schedule listed above is not followed (unless approval from WEST Team)

Wait Lists:

  • If your student is on a wait list, no payment is required at time of registration.


  • Students who cancel before classes begin will receive a partial refund unless the class is cancelled by WEST.
  • See below for further details


  • Please see each individual class description for instructions regarding necessary materials.


Withdrawal up through July 31

  1. One time annual membership fee is non-refundable
  2. $25 fee per class dropped - Registrar will remove student/s from course upon request of family

Withdrawal August 1 until First Day of Classes

  1. One time annual membership fee is non-refundable
  2. $80 fee per class dropped - Registrar will remove student/s from course upon request of family


YEAR-LONG Classes:
For any registered student withdrawing from a year-long class within 24 hours after the second day of classes:

  1. Written notification to WEST is required (email is fine) registrar.west@gmail.com
  2. A refund check will be mailed for $50 - Registrar will remove student/s from course upon request of family registrar.west@gmail.com

Withdrawal later than 24 hours after the second day of classes requires no refund even if dropping after the Christmas Break

  1. Written notification to WEST is required (email is fine) registrar.west@gmail.com
  2. Written notification to appropriate Tutor/s is required (email is fine)
  3. $80 fee per class per student drop fee is required and added to family invoice

For any registered student withdrawing from a one semester class within 24 hours after the second day of classes:

  1. Written notification to WEST is required (email is fine) registrar.west@gmail.com
  2. A refund check will be mailed for $50 - Registrar will remove student/s from course upon request of family registrar.west@gmail.com

Withdrawal later than 24 hours after the second day of classes in a one semester class requires no refund

  1. Written notification to WEST is required (email is fine) registrar.west@gmail.com
  2. Written notification to appropriate Tutor is required (email is fine)

Enrollment After Classes Begin: New students will be accepted if space is available and if the Tutor approves.

Class Sizes: Please note that a minimum and maximum class size has been set. Therefore, your quick enrollment in a class will help ensure that the class is offered and/or that there is room for your student before the class reaches its maximum limit.


Yes. Any first day walk-ins are welcome! Walk-ins will complete registration forms and payments. However, students will attend classes the second week due to administrative processing and Tutor notification.