Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization Ellis County Christian Homeschool Organization

ECCHO Class Options

Registration for all programs is currently closed.  Please check the ECCHO calendar for exact dates and details. The current class offerings are available on the Class Registation page.

We offer many different class options for those who want to participate-- Enrichment Classes (EC), Classes at Camp Hoblitzelle, ECCHO Junior Prep, and ECCHO Prep High School Classes. 

Enrichment Classes or EC (ages 0-11) meet bi-weekly on Fridays in Midlothian. Enrichment Classes have a registration fee of $20 per semester, along with a small supply fee for each class, determined by the teacher. EC is a true cooperative with everyone pitching in & participating in various ways. Parents must stay on campus. For additional information concerning our enrichment classes, click the link for Enrichment Classes information on the left sidebar or contact one of our co-directors Niki Fay, Lueree Acero, Amanda Del Rosario, or Brenda Vasquez.

ECCHO Camp Classes (ages 5+) meet weekly on Tuesday in Midlothian at Camp Hoblizelle.  Camp Classes have a monthly fee of $35 per class paid to The Salvation Army. Students may take as many or as few classes as they wish.  For additional information on ECCHO Camp Classes, click the link for ECCHO at Camp Hoblitzelle in the main menu or contact Wendy Johnson.  

ECCHO Upper Classes or UC are for Grades 6th-12th (ages 11-18). These classes meet weekly on Fridays in Midlothian. Upper Classes have a $30 per semester participation fee per student, plus monthly class fees determined by each teacher. There are also one-time class supply fees at the beginning of each semester. More information on ECCHO Upper Classes can be found in the Classes tab above, or by contacting a UC Director, Jade Clark, Stacey Bailey, Jacee Fink or Clifton Phelps.

To participate in any of these ECCHO Classes you must:
-Be a member of ECCHO.
-Complete a Class/Program Registration Packet.
-Register for classes during the open registration period.

ECCHO Discipline Guidelines

1. Students are expected to obey all teachers while attending class activities and abide by the ECCHO code of conduct at all times.

2. Ongoing discipline problems may result in loss of class privileges.

3. A three-step discipline guideline will be followed in classes for most discipline problems.

Enrichment Class 3-step discipline guideline

a. A first offense will warrant a verbal warning from the teacher or adult in charge.

b. A second offense will mean separation from the ongoing activity.

c. A third offense in one day will mean that the Enrichment Class Directors will be notified and will escort the child to their parent where they will remain until the end of the Enrichment Class day.

d. Incidents occurring repeatedly on different Enrichment Class days may result in a more detailed review of the situation and/or loss of Enrichment Class privileges.

Upper Classes (6th-12th grade) discipline guideline

a. A first offense will warrant a verbal warning from the teacher or adult in charge.

b. A second offense will result in documented discipline slip from the director and a call to the parent.

c. A third offense will result in a document discipline slip from the director and a call to the parent to set up a meeting with the board of directors, student, and parent to review the situation.

d. Incidents occurring repeatedly on different Upper Class days will result in a more detailed review of the situation and/or loss of Upper Class privileges.

Camp 3-step discipline guidelines

a. A first offense will warrant a verbal warning from the teacher or adult in charge.

b. A second offense will mean separation from the ongoing activity.

c. A third offense will mean that the Camp Class Liason will be notified and will call the student’s parent to come to pick the student up for the day.

d. Incidents occurring repeatedly on different Camp Class days may result in a more detailed review of the situation and/or loss of Camp Class privileges.