$9.95/FAMILY PER YEAR (minimum & maximum fees apply)


ACCOUNTING TOOL - Families Side 

Families have easy online access to their Statement of Account!

Statement Balance Online. When families login, their statement balance is in the upper right corner of the screen. A simple click on the balance takes them to their accounting page with a list of invoices, payments, adjustments and any outstanding balances.  

Pay online. A "Pay Now" button allows families to make an immediate online payment from their home or while on the go. It's that easy!

Emailed Invoices. When a family receives an invoice via email, it comes complete with a "Pay Now" button that takes them to their Statement of Account. In less than a minute, payment can be made.Records are kept online (printing is optional) and are simultaneously viewable by both the family and the admins. It has never been so easy!


  • Online access to the Statement of Account

  • Payments conveniently made online

  • Everyone is on the same page

  • Answer account questions 24/7

See a Sample Accounting Tool:

Sample Accounting Tool

Family Accounting Tool