Keep everyone informed, with no distribution costs.
Save Money! Save Time! The printed newsletter can be a thing of the past. No more paper, ink, printing, folding, stuffing, stamping, addressing envelopes, and mailing. Now your newsletters can be prepared digitally (such as in Microsoft Word), saved as a .pdf, and uploaded to your website. Your members can read it online or download and print. It’s that easy!
Other Publications. More than just a place to publish newsletters, the Publications/Articles tool has many applications:
- A teacher may want to publish their syllabus, lesson plans, and/or homework assignments.
- The group’s leader may want to publish a Letter from the President.
- The site administrator may want to post “How To” instructions for the members, such as How to use your Family Website.
- The treasurer may want to post the group’s annual financials.
- The board may want to post their Meeting Minutes.
- Your group may want to post favorite recipes, favorite books, curriculum reviews….
Organize and Group. To organize a variety of publications, you can create sections. When you upload a publication, you select the section where it best fits. There is no limit to what you can post.