student hot glues a crystal to a staff, table top game, backlit biology experiment, students stands holding a foil, FPV goggles, transmitter and tiny whoop drone, cooking utensils, student's handing w Score and rehearsal for Babes in Toyland during the Spring 2019 semester a whisk in a bowl of frothed liquid from How to Boil Water during Spring 2019 semester two PHS students practice Ballroom Dance during Spring 2019 Semester money and worksheets from Japanese during Spring 2021 semester fencing gear including foil, glove, and helmet sit on the floor next a PHS student during a spring 2019

Streamlined Process for Course Proposals To Publications / Articles - Streamlined Process for Course Proposals

Posted 12/5/22
PHS Leadership Team | Course Planning

Collection of different colored Sharpie permanent markers next to a fanned-out stack of different colored index cards next to a silver MacBook Pro laptop rest on a dark wood desktop with a black soundbar on the back edge. Onscreen is the Ultimate To-Do List Trello Board Template by YouTuber Scott Friesen. 2021. Photo by Nic Rosenau on Unsplash.Got a great class idea for next year? We’ve streamlined the Course Proposal Form. And, of course, you can always make a suggestion via email to — or at the lunchtime Brainstorming Session on Friday 20 January 2023.

All course proposals for 2023–2024 must be received by Friday 27 January 2023.

Changes to the Course Proposal Form

  1. Proposals only require a Course Title.

  2. While High School Physics is fairly self-explanatory, you may also include a Description and probably should if your proposal is unique or might be misinterpreted. Your description can be brief or detailed.

  3. You can also suggest an Instructor — or state that you are the course’s instructor (many of our instructors started as PHS parents, guardians, and caregivers.).

  4. Other optional fields let you specify the desired age range for the course, if the class needs to be or would work best in the Fall, Spring, or as a Full-Year course, for a specific class period, in a specific room, or online or in-person.

  5. Instructors can also specify their tuition and supplies fees on the Course Proposal Form — or supply those later when they submit their Course Details Form.

For Instructors, we’ve broken the details form into two forms:

  1. Instructor Details Form — due no later than Friday 17 February 2023

  2. Course Details Form — due no later than Friday 14 April 2023 (earlier is better)

The Instructor Details Form collects or confirms information that doesn't vary by course. Lead Volunteers need this information to create the final course schedule, so this form must be completed no later than Friday 17 February 2023 for your course(s) to make it onto the final course schedule.

  • When you are available to teach.

  • How many courses you are interested in teaching each semester.

  • Your agreement to know and abide by co-op policies.

  • Your contact information.

  • Your last-cancellation refund policy.

  • Your preferences as to online vs in-person classes.

The Course Details Form then collects all the little bits of information we need to enter your class into the class registration system. This information must be submitted no later than Friday 14 April 2023 so that volunteers may enter all of the data and be ready to announce the final course schedule the following week.

This form allows instructors to either stick with or revise the information submitted with their course proposals (class description, age range, tuition, and supplies fee).

The form also collects additional details not requested on the course proposal form, such as your minimum and maximum number of students, your minimum student date, your late registration deadline, and additional details about teaching online (for online courses).


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