Course Planning for the Upcoming Year To Publications / Articles - Course Planning for the Upcoming Year
Posted 11/10/22
PHS Leadership Team | Course Planning
Course ProposalsCourse Planning for the upcoming year begins in earnest in January, but you can start thinking now about what classes your students would be interested in taking! |
Course ArchivesIf you’re looking for ideas, you and your students can peruse our co-op’s Course History to see what’s been offered in the past. You can suggest an exact repeat of a course that has been offered before or use a prior course for inspiration to imagine something new. Original ideas are always welcome. |
Teaching at PHSIf YOU are interested in teaching a course, read through our Information for Instructors page. Even current and returning instructors should peruse that page prior to submitting proposals for the coming academic year as our co-op’s policies evolve over time in response to changing circumstances and feedback from our co-op’s members and instructors. |
All Member Brainstorming SessionOur co-op will hold its lunchtime Brainstorming Session for current members on the third week of Spring Semester. This will most likely be held in the Fellowship Hall but we can meet outside on the East Lawn if it’s warm and dry enough. This meeting will also need two volunteers — a host and a scribe. The host’s responsibility is to facilitate the conversation while the scribe’s role is to faithfully transcribe all the suggestions made. In the past, the host has also taken responsibility for posting Forum reminders about the upcoming gathering. |
Course Proposal FormOf course, members and instructors may submit their ideas anytime using our co-op’s online Course Proposal Form. |
Year 1 |
High School Chemistry |
Middle School Physics |
Elective Biology |
Year 2 |
High School Biology |
Middle School Chemistry |
Elective Physics |
Year 3 |
High School Physics |
Middle School Biology |
Elective Chemistry |
Support Planet HomeschoolPHS is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. |
Contact our co-op’s Lead Volunteers at |