PHS Clubs | Fall 2023 To Publications / Articles - PHS Clubs | Fall 2023
Posted 5/25/23
PHS Leadership Team | Fall Semester 2023
Fall 2023
Fridays, 8 September–8 December 2023 at Planet Homeschool
12 weeks
Fall Break: no clubs on Fri 13 Oct
Thanksgiving Break: no clubs on Fri 24 Nov
Fourth Period (1:50 PM–3:05 PM)PHS Clubs
PHS Social ClubDon’t feel like gaming or creating? Take the opportunity to relax with other students and shoot the breeze! |
PHS Clubs are open to gamers and creators of all skill levels. Those with more experience will help you learn — and learn from you in turn! All participants must sign up for insurance and safety reasons, but all PHS Clubs are open to visits from other clubs’ participants. Maybe some days you’re in the mood to draw, other days you feel like playing Uno, another day you want to relax and chat, and sometimes you just want to curl up in a comfy chair and read a book. It’s easy to get boisterous when having fun, so PHS Clubs participants should be mindful of each Club’s focus, their fellow students (and their belongings), the shared classroom space, and the other classes in session. If in doubt, please defer to the Onsite Volunteers. Families of enrolled students will work together to ensure there are games to play and raw materials and tools for creating. Parents, guardians, and caregivers of enrolled students serve as volunteer room monitors or fellow gamers and creators to ensure there are at least three adults on site every week. These are assigned as Fourth Onsite Volunteer shifts. Some students will need adult direction and assistance with making connections with their fellow students and engaging with the activities of the PHS Clubs. If you notice a student at loose ends, please step in: offer to introduce them to other students, help them find an engaging activity, or help them create a space for gaming or creating. All PHS Clubs are open to new registrations through the end of the semester. |
Course Descriptions Class Registration Join Renew
Support Planet HomeschoolPHS is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. |
Contact our co-op’s Lead Volunteers at |
A jumble of tabletop game boxes. 2016. Photo by Nic Rosenau, CC BY-SA 4.0.
A jumble of dice of different sizes and colors. 2021. Photo by Nic Rosenau on Unsplash.
Two pairs of hands holding game controllers with a video game on a screen in the background. 2017. Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash.
An assortment of glues, duct tape, mixing cups, crafting sticks, hobby knives, and markers with a hot glue gun. All in front of a cardboard box and resting on a large green cutting mat. 2022. Photo by Nic Rosenau, CC BY-SA 4.0.
A top-down photo of a bundle of sharpened colored pencils. 2018. Photo by Taru Huhkio on Unsplash.
Multicolored code on a computer screen. 2018. Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash.
Eight hands piled together with arms sleeved by a variety of colorful sweaters. 2020. Decatur, AL, USA. Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash.