Fall Break — No PHS
October 12, 2023
Additional Information
No Planet Homeschool classes!
PHS is taking a break on the second week of October because Nourish 282 is hosting its annual Free Store in the Fellowship Hall at Faith UMC that week. PHS families are encouraged to donate new or gently used outerwear to Nourish 282 to help keep a child warm during the cold winter months. At the Free Store, families shop for jackets, snow pants, hats, mittens/gloves, scarves and boots. All items are free to the families and any items ‘out of stock’ on the shopping day will be purchased and given directly to the child in need. Each year Nourish 282 typically outfits more than 70 students head-to-toe in outerwear. In coordination with the Free Store event, a community meal is served for families to enjoy together. |
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our co-op’s lead volunteers at PlanetHomeschoolMN@gmail.com!
Image: Photo of a pair of feet in warm socks rest on a wooden step surrounded by a blue wool blanket, a small pumpkin, an open book, and a cup of coffee, and fall leaves. Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2017, by Alex Geerts on Unsplash.